New Instagram update adds more dope!

Picture of Rahul Sharma

Rahul Sharma


“People come to Instagram today to post their photos but haven’t come back to edit their photos” Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom has been quoted saying.

Thus Instagram has come up with an exciting new update of 9 NEW effects and sliders to control existing ones! What was seen until now was the fact that Instagram had a userbase of mostly those who didn’t use many effects and those who outsourced this editing job to desktops to expand the editing capabilities. Now, many of these users do not have to go to their PC based editors or other pricey apps to super edit their pictures with the new updates!


The sliders, Instagram says, were introduced to enable more subtle filtering as consumers demanded the middle ground between no effects and heavy complete ones. These new filters are also built “inside” the main UI so that the heavy users may explore and take it out and the casual users flow is not very affected by them! It’s a smart move and will surely affect the consumer base of the likes of Camera+ and Photoshop Express who offer similar services, but at a price!

Instagram had taken the world of apps by storm when it was acquired by Facebook for a Billion dollars, in order to woo it’s customer base back to Facebook. It was one of the first major “App” acquisitons and kick started the whole develop your own idea into an app and sell it off! Whatsapp has followed the lines of Instagram and sold for a whopping 19 Billion dollars.

On a completely unrelated note, if you believe that you have an idea for a similar app, on the lines of Whatsapp or Instagram, and you believe it could be the next big thing, you NEED to contact us and become the next big appreneuer! Who knows your idea may become the next major acquisiton of a Tech giant.
Check out our Whatapp Clone and Instagram Clone and see if it tickles your brain!



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