Best alternative to UBER for Hotels! Karry for Hotels

Picture of Avinash Singh

Avinash Singh

[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-hotel color=”#1BB9D7″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] In the tourism sector, Hospitality and transportation are interlinked with each other. When someone visits a new place along with a comfortable stay they also want a cheap and reliable transportation service.

[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-cab size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] Many hoteliers are aware of this situation and want to improve the overall guest satisfaction they use a personal vehicle or sometimes rent shuttle services.

But this process is not efficient and most of the times hoteliers have to spend a lot to maintain this service.

[wow-icons lib=im name=icomoon-bullhorn color=”#dd3333″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] What if I tell you there was a way where one can offer UBER like on-demand vehicle services to hotels.  Just imagine how much time and money hotels would you save as a result.

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We are aware of this problem and to cater to the need for hoteliers we developed Karry for hotels

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Karry’s Solution for the hotel’s transportation services

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For the hotel industry, we developed two types of solution first one is Travel Desk and the second one is Kiosk

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Let’s understand the Travel desk solution

[wow-icons lib=di name=dashicons-admin-users color=”#1bb9d7″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] The travel desk solution will be used by employees of the hotel. They have access to the credit line of the partner (cab aggrigator) in case that is enabled by the app team, this is the travel desk solution.

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In this model, hoteliers have to keep a tablet at the travel desk. So what happens in hotels, when someone travels, they don’t always have an app as they are new to the city or the country.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-hand-o-right color=”#000000″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] Generally, most of the people are not from the same city, right? So they may or may not be tech-savvy.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-hand-o-right color=”#000000″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”]  So in this model a guy sitting on reception, guides customers getting around the city.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-hand-o-right color=”#000000″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”]  Assume you run a hotel, and your staff have the access to the app with travel list

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-hand-o-right color=”#000000″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] In the app there is a credit line provided by cab aggrigator along with specialized rate for customers.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-money color=”#81d742″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] So in karry we have the same feature where one can tie up with cab aggregators. Where hotel can offer special rate to its customers.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-hand-o-right color=”#000000″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] So whenever a hotel employee do a booking, he can bill it to the company account and ask customer to pay him or to the cab driver.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-hand-o-right color=”#000000″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] So there are two types of payment options, either customer will pay it to the hotel or to the driver.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-money color=”#81d742″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] There is also option to incentivize the travel desk employee to encourage more bookings.

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[wow-icons lib=ft name=icon-mail-alt size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] So after the sucessful booking a message from the travel desk app is sent to the customer with tracking link of cab.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-map-o size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] Basically, when he opens the link on his phone, he knows exactly where the driver is. And he can live tracking just like he live tracks on other apps.

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Let’s understand the Kiosk

[wow-icons lib=oi name=oi-calculator color=”#dd3333″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] In this option cab aggrigators can put a tablet in a hotel. It’s a self-service kiosk here customers will fill up his own details.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-hand-o-right color=”#000000″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] In the kiosk, there’s only one way of payment where the customer pays the driver directly.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-hand-o-right color=”#000000″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] Because it’s a kiosk, right? Anyone can come to hotel and just book. Right, because pickup point is always the hotel

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-money color=”#81d742″ size=”nm” align=”alignleft”]  Suppose a cab aggrigator is wants to put his kiosk in the hotel and offers a special rate for them. Sometimes cab aggrigator might pay hotel to keep the kiosk in the hotel.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-mobile size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] When customers come into bookings, the same exact process,  they book and confirm. and a tracking link is sent to that mobile number.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-map-o size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] The number have a tracking link, they click on the tracking link to connect with  area drivers from there private phone. So this is the kiosk version of the hospitality partner.

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[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-bolt size=”nm” align=”alignleft”] So, the revolution in the IT industry had solved the challenges in many sectors, so why not the hotel industry. Now the biggest challenge in the hospitality sector can be easily tackeled with Karry for hotels.

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Must Read | Build An Uber Like App with these technologies

Hospitality transport solution


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