Could Self-Driving Trucks in Logistics Be Good for Truckers?

Picture of Arjun


Self-driving trucks are quickly becoming a reality in the logistics industry. These self-driving vehicles promise to revolutionize the way goods are transported, offering a plethora of benefits from increased safety to reduced costs. Yet, amidst these advancements, the question arises: what does this mean for truckers? 

This article explores the implications of self-driving trucks for the trucking workforce and explores whether this technological leap might be a boon rather than a bane for them.

self-driving trucks in logistics

Understanding Self-Driving Trucks

Self-driving trucks, also known as self-driving trucks, are essentially commercial vehicles that leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to navigate from one point to another without human intervention. These vehicles are equipped with a suite of sensors, cameras, and radars that provide the necessary situational awareness for safe navigation.

The degree of automation in these vehicles is measured on a scale developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers, ranging from level 0 (no automation) to level 5 (full automation). Current experiments with self-driving trucks primarily lie between levels 1 and 4, where human intervention is still necessary in certain scenarios.

The levels of vehicle automation are as follows:

Level 0: Complete human control over all driving functions.

Level 1: Single automated feature such as lane keeping or adaptive cruise control.

Level 2: Multiple automated features working together under human supervision.

Level 3: Vehicle can handle most driving tasks, but requires human intervention in certain situations.

Level 4: Vehicle can handle all driving tasks in specific scenarios, often geofenced areas.

Level 5: Vehicle can handle all driving tasks in all scenarios, with no need for human intervention.

The Mechanism of Self-Driving Trucks

Self-driving trucking technology utilizes high-resolution, long-range sensors and the power of AI/ML to follow established delivery routes and adapt to road conditions and obstacles. This technology processes sensor data in real time, identifying traffic signs, emergency vehicles, and other entities on the road.

The ultimate goal is to enable these systems to operate without human supervision. As these vehicles accumulate more miles and data, their neural networks learn and improve, bringing this goal closer to reality.

The Evolution of Autonomous Trucking

According to McKinsey, the autonomous trucking industry will likely evolve in four stages.

  • The initial stage involves platooning of trucks, where a lead truck with a human driver is followed by one or more self-driving trucks on interstate highways.
  • The second stage involves a single driver leading the self-driving trucks, with a second driver taking over during non-interstate travel.
  • The third stage foresees self-driving trucks platooning on highways without any human driver, while the final stage envisions fully self-driving trucks operating without any human involvement.

The Benefits of Self-Driving Trucks in Logistics

Self-driving trucks present several benefits that could significantly enhance the logistics sector. Let’s delve into some of the advantages it offers:

Expedited Deliveries: Federal regulations impose limits on the number of hours a truck driver can operate without taking a mandated break. Self-driving trucks, on the other hand, don’t require breaks, leading to faster delivery times.

Addressing Driver Shortage: The trucking industry currently faces a significant shortage of drivers, with the American Trucking Association predicting a need for 160,000 drivers by 2028. Self-driving trucks could help bridge this gap, providing a solution that doesn’t require recruitment or adherence to federal regulations regarding hours of service.

Cost Reduction: Self-driving trucks could dramatically reduce operating costs. McKinsey estimates a potential cost decline of around 45%, potentially saving the US for-hire trucking industry between $85 billion and $125 billion. Additional savings could also stem from optimized routes and reduced fuel consumption.

Lowering Carbon Emissions: Self-driving trucks could pave the way for greener logistics. These vehicles can reduce fuel consumption by up to 40% using intelligent route optimizations, gearshift automation and optimize asset performance to cut carbon emissions. Furthermore, the advent of self-driving trucking could stimulate the adoption of electric trucks, contributing further to sustainability goals.

Enhancing Safety: Automated vehicles could significantly improve road safety. The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration asserts that automated vehicles could “save lives and reduce injuries” since “94% of serious crashes are due to human error.” Self-driving trucks eliminate the risk of accidents caused by driver fatigue or distraction.

Improving Driver Experience: Self-driving trucks can improve working conditions for drivers by taking over the long-haul routes that often keep drivers away from their families. These vehicles can handle the monotonous aspects of driving, allowing drivers to rest or focus on more complex tasks.

the importance of self-driving trucks in logistics

The Potential Drawbacks of Autonomous Trucks

Despite the numerous benefits, self-driving trucks also present some potential challenges. These vehicles currently struggle in adverse weather conditions like fog or snow. They also require robust wireless connections, which might not be available in all areas.

Cybersecurity is another concern. The risk of vehicle systems being hacked necessitates the development of robust security measures. Additionally, while self-driving trucks can handle highway driving, they still require human drivers for city and urban navigation.

The Impact on Employment

The impact of self-driving trucking on employment is a major concern. While some studies suggest that self-driving trucking would create new jobs and contribute billions to the GDP, others caution against a potential reduction in working hours for truckers.

While long-haul trucking jobs might decrease, short-haul trucking jobs are expected to increase, as human drivers would still be needed to navigate city driving. This could potentially give long-haul truckers time to transition to new roles within the industry or explore other career paths.

Self-driving trucks could potentially address the longstanding safety issue of driver fatigue in the trucking industry. However, experienced truckers possess an intuitive situational awareness and the ability to make split-second decisions that are currently beyond the capabilities of AI. These skills make human operators more reliable than algorithms, at least for the foreseeable future.

Future of Self-Driving Trucks

Predictions about when self-driving trucks will become mainstream vary, with some experts suggesting it could happen in the next decade, while others believe it could take 20-25 years. Regardless, progress is being made, with successful experimental runs being conducted in the United States and other parts of the world.

Self-driving trucking can significantly impact last-mile delivery, a sector experiencing increased demand due to the rapid growth of ecommerce. Self-driving trucks can help tackle logistical challenges by optimizing route planning and keeping trucks on the road for longer periods, without worrying about driver fatigue or hours of service compliance.


The advent of self-driving trucks in logistics presents both opportunities and challenges for truckers. While the technology promises to revolutionize the logistics industry, its impact on employment and job roles within the industry is still uncertain. However, as technology continues to evolve, it is likely to create new roles and opportunities, transforming the trucking industry for the better. Appscrip provides trucking and logistics management app solutions to improve your transportation business.

use of self-driving trucks in logistics
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