Grubhub, a pioneer in the world of online food delivery, has managed to revolutionize the way people order food from their favorite restaurants. Because of its cutting-edge and reliable technology infrastructure, Grubhub is able to give its customers and restaurant partners excellent service. In this post, we’ll explore the technologies at the heart of the Grubhub tech stack platform, peeling back the layers of software, infrastructure, and tools that have contributed to Grubhub’s meteoric rise to the top of its field.

We’ll take a deep dive into the complex mechanisms at work behind the scenes to make sure your next meal delivery goes off without a hitch, from the frontend frameworks and backend services to the data storage solutions and cloud computing resources. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind Grubhub’s tech stack and learn how this giant in the food delivery landscape has harnessed the power of technology to create a truly delightful experience for its users.

grubhub tech stack


Front-end technologies of Grubhub tech stack

In order to provide their consumers and restaurant partners with an easy-to-use and reliable service, Grubhub employs a frontend tech stack that is comprised of a number of different technologies and approaches. Here, we’ll take a closer look at the frontend technology stack that powers Grubhub’s platform.

React: Grubhub’s primary technology for building user interfaces is Facebook’s React.js library. This popular open-source JavaScript library allows developers to create reusable components and efficiently manage the state of their applications. React’s virtual DOM implementation ensures high performance and a smooth user experience.

Redux: For managing complex application states, Grubhub employs Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. Redux works well with React, allowing developers to maintain a single source of truth for the application state, making it easier to debug and maintain the codebase.

Native Development: Grubhub’s mobile applications are developed using native technologies for both iOS and Android platforms. This means they use Swift/Objective-C for iOS and Java/Kotlin for Android. Native development allows Grubhub to access platform-specific features and deliver a highly optimized experience for each platform.

CSS-in-JS: Grubhub leverages CSS-in-JS solutions like Styled Components for styling and theming their React components. This approach allows developers to write modular and scoped CSS, making it easier to maintain and scale their stylesheets as the application grows.

To guarantee the quality and consistency of their frontend code, Grubhub relies on a series of testing frameworks and tools. For instance, they use Jest as their primary testing framework, alongside tools like Enzyme and React Testing Library for unit and integration testing of their React components.

Grubhub also values performance and accessibility, making sure that its platform runs smoothly on various devices and is accessible to users with disabilities. They utilize tools like Lighthouse and WebPageTest to monitor and improve their site’s performance and accessibility scores.

Finally, Grubhub has a strong focus on collaboration and continuous integration. They utilize version control systems like Git and platforms like GitHub to manage their codebase. For continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), they leverage tools like Jenkins and CircleCI, ensuring that their code is consistently tested, built, and deployed to production.

Backend technologies of Grubhub tech stack

Grubhub tech stack is a combination of multiple technologies, frameworks, and services that work together to ensure a seamless and efficient food ordering and delivery process. This tech stack enables Grubhub to handle high volumes of requests, provide a reliable service, and scale as needed to meet the demands of their growing user base.

AWS (Amazon Web Services): Grubhub has migrated its infrastructure from multiple data centers to a cloud-based platform on AWS. AWS provides an extensive suite of cloud computing services that allows Grubhub to build, deploy, and manage applications and services through a global network of data centers.

Java: The backend services at Grubhub are primarily built using Java. Java is a versatile, object-oriented programming language that provides a robust platform for building scalable and high-performance applications. It allows Grubhub to build and maintain a large codebase efficiently and effectively.

NGINX: Grubhub tech stack uses NGINX as its web server and reverse proxy server. NGINX is a high-performance HTTP server that can also function as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and mail proxy. This ensures that Grubhub can handle a large number of incoming requests and distribute the load efficiently across its backend services.

Apache Cassandra: Grubhub uses Apache Cassandra as its primary data store. Cassandra is a highly scalable, distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers. It ensures high availability and fault tolerance, enabling Grubhub to withstand localized outages and network problems.

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Grubhub has adopted a service-oriented architecture for its backend platform. This approach involves decomposing the application into multiple, smaller services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. SOA enables Grubhub to improve the modularity of its codebase, enhance scalability, and simplify maintenance.

grubhub tech stack

Infrastructure technologies

AWS Data Centers: Grubhub tech stack leverages Amazon Web Services for hosting its platform across multiple data centers, ensuring high availability and redundancy. AWS provides the infrastructure for the company’s cloud-based services and resources, such as compute, storage, and databases.

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD): Grubhub employs CI/CD practices to automate the testing and deployment of new code. This approach accelerates the delivery of new features and enhancements while minimizing the risk of introducing bugs or downtime.

Traffic Routing: To ensure optimal performance and availability, Grubhub uses traffic routing techniques to distribute requests across its services and data centers. This approach helps balance the load and maintains the platform’s resiliency during peak usage periods.

Real and Simulated Modes: Services within Grubhub’s platform can be started in “real” or “simulated” modes. This flexibility allows the company to test new services and features in a controlled environment before deploying them to production.

Versioning: Grubhub’s infrastructure supports versioning of its services, allowing for smooth updates and transitions. This feature enables the company to roll out new features and improvements without disrupting existing services.


Grubhub tech stack demonstrates a robust and innovative approach to addressing the challenges of the rapidly evolving food delivery industry. By leveraging base frameworks, versioning, real and simulated modes, traffic routing, continuous integration and deployment, monitoring and alerting, and resiliency and scalability, Grubhub is able to deliver a reliable and high-quality service to its customers and partners.

Furthermore, this advanced and adaptable infrastructure enables Grubhub to stay ahead of the competition and continually grow and evolve as the market demands, ensuring the company remains a leader in the food delivery space. As the industry continues to change, Grubhub’s commitment to cutting-edge technology and best practices will undoubtedly be a key driver of its ongoing success.

grubhub tech stack

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