Now You Can Launch Your App With Easy Monthly Payment Options!

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fancy clone fancy-clone-etsy-clone-wanelo-clone-social-m-commerce-ios-android-source-codes

Start your own multi-vendor social e-commerce business with our Fancy Clone, Sellr!


Sellr – Mobile multivendor shopping cart software for e-commerce / Fancy Clone / Wanelo Clone / Etsy Clone / Dubizzle Clone / Souq Clone

Sellr! , our Fancy Clone for iOS and Android is one of the most technically advanced multi vendor ecommerce script or multi vendor php script out there in the market. Start your own social shopping app with the best ecommerce script and social mobile commerce business using our / Fancy Clone / Wanelo Clone / Etsy Clone / Dubizzle Clone / Souq Clone which uses state of the art technologies like Php , MongoDB , Stripe for adaptive marketplace payments , Mailgun API for transactional emails , Twilio for SMS services , Amazon SNS for advanced Push services.
The product comes with additional management systems for improved administration:
a) App Manager Panel
b) Business Manager Panel
The mobile application is completely built on MonogDB ( NoSQL ) , this ensures that the app can manage large volume of data which is normally associated with e-commerce applications.

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Use the Fancy Clone without signing up and signup while checking out.




The product news feed is generated based on stores the user follows on the fancy clone.

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View products , choose your preferred size and colors , view any offers on the product , add it to your wish-list or add it to your cart.


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Explore products under different categories


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Browse store profiles,check the number of followers and and products from that store

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Add the products to you cart and checkout cashless by using your credit card.


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Super Admin Panel

Panel with all settings, everything on the Fancy Clone can be managed from this section.

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Business Admin Panel

Merchant’s can manage their shop from this section.

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Users Dashboard

Manage app users and view their preferences.

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Tax Setup

Setup tax rates for different cities.

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Setup the app commission for different merchants.

Panel with all settings, everything on the Fancy Clone can be managed from this section.

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Shipping Rate Setup

Setup shipping rates for different locations.

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Manage Sizes

Setup different size groups for different types of products

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Manage Business Profile

Add address , contact information and photos for each business.

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Track Orders

View all orders in real time. Manage orders manually in case of any error.

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Complete financial accounting system to keep track of all transactions made on the app

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Manage Products

Create products with all details and images.

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Create Blogs

Create product related blogs , make information driven sales.

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Manage Inventory

Setup product SKU’s and the stock for all products in the store.

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Manage Offers

Create general, personalized offers and offers for affiliate marketing.

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Mange Orders

Update the status of the order , once is ready for dispatch , once its dispatched and when it has been delivered.

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Get user level data on shop views , product views , wish-listed products and order history.

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Integrated with Twilio for SMS marketing .

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In-app advertisement management module

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Push Notifications

Message customers directly using push notifications.

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Integrated with Mailgun for Email marketing.

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Marketing Plan

Create marketing plans for merchants

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Seller-Buyer Chat

In-app chat feature with moderation control.

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Mobile responsive and SEO friendly with sitemap & slug generation.



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Rahul, CEO @ Appscrip

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